Wednesday 14 February 2018

#3 "Mythology"

This theme is "Mythology". I quickly sketched up a few different tattoo design ideas each of a different mythological being to see which one would fit well. These being a mermaid, a kasa-obake, a kappa, and a dragon. In the end, I decided the kasa-obake would make the most interesting tattoo sleeve design
Since the kasa-obake hops around on one leg, I figured it would be cool to design a tattoo sleeve around it as bending one's elbow could cause the kasa-obake on the sleeve to bend it's knee as well. Rather than putting "Kasa-obake" as it's name, since this is a mythological being of Japanese origin, I instead had it's name in Japanese on the design instead. And since there ended up being a bit of empty space at the bottom, I thought of placing a second kasa-obake to fill up that space.
I chose to depict the creature in a more cutsey design, similar to how it appears in the video game "Kirby's Dream Land 3"
Until next time..

Tuesday 13 February 2018

#2 "Blue"

The second art theme was "Blue". I designed some designs for a homepage for a "Blue Oceans" organization, which would aim to help clean the ocean. Since I now have a proper drawing tablet, it's all digital
Most of these are all based on various types of page design ideas for a blog. In the end, I chose the bottom-right one as my "best one", as it puts the most emphasis on the water & fish imagery
The text didn't quite come out as neat as I would have hoped it would. I'll try to improve it
My inspiration for the page layout is from this web zone. As for the imagery itself, it was largely inspired by this cute little picture of a fish jumping out of water
Well, that's all for now...

Monday 5 February 2018

#1: "Guitar"

The first weekly art theme was "Guitar". I designed several ideas for a poster advertising a music festival, using guitar-related imagery

For the first design (top-left), I wanted to use negative space to create the shape of a guitar. I accomplished this using musical imagery in the process by taking a musical staff and distorting it in a similar way as in the following image.
For the second design (top-right), I used negative space again. However this time, I used a picture of a person playing on a guitar, based on the following image here, however I simplified the person and removed the outline of the guitar entirely. I also added many musical notes surrounding the image to fill up empty space
Third design (bottom-left), I wanted to try something more simple. This poster design uses a really close up image of a guitar on it. Additionally, I made the guitar's strings look like another musical staff by putting notes on them. Not really much else to say aside from posting the original image that inspired me to do this design
For the fourth and final design (bottom-right), I tried to do some perspective things, with an angled guitar. It turned out looking a little bit wonky, but it's only a thumbnail sketch, so it's not that big of a problem. I was attempting to get something similar to what is in the following image (although without the player)

Well I guess that's all for now! Until next time...

Introductory Post

Here is a blog where I will post my progress in finding out how to get good at using a drawing tablet, using themed sketching exercises
(I would put this as an "ABOUT ME" in the sidebar but the site isn't letting me do that)